Senior executives know that leading can be lonely. Some appreciate the chance to work with a coach to gain perspective, get feedback, and be inspired to manage organizational and people challenges. 

Ellen works with smart and creative executives who are ready to move to the next level and are open to fresh, informed, and honest conversations. She is an optimistic coach who is not afraid to be direct; she combines courageous conversations and tough love with affirmation and positive feedback. Through these conversations her clients are challenged to think about their own role and options, be inspired to take risks and try new approaches, and be held accountable.

In coaching, Ellen shares relevant knowledge from her training in business basics (a MBA from Stanford) and her deep experience with nonprofit management (10 years in management roles and over 20 years consulting). She has provided best practice advice on topics such as how to structure better meetings, use online tools for better communication, create and manage annual plans, and structure financial committee reports to the board.

Ellen is also highly attuned to the challenges of motivating and managing people. She has helped managers deal with problems such as disruptive bullies, underperforming staff, and high performers who need more celebration of their successes or clarity on the organizational vision.